Art of Chart Reading Reference Materials Completed

By Lawrence

It’s been three long years since I started working on this project. It transformed from "A Crash Course In Chart Reading" to "Art of Chart Reading" over the years. It has expanded from a quick reference of chart patterns into a complete manual for chart traders. It is gratifying to see the book growing into its current form.

As of today, the reference part of the book is completed.

Thank you everyone who help me along the way in shaping the book into what it is today!

The next step for the project is to add tutorial type materials explaining how to engage the markets by applying chart reading techniques. I still haven’t figure out the format or style for the tutorials yet. I need some time to think about it. If you have ideas you like to share with me, send me email or post your comments below.

For those who have been waiting for a long time for this ebook to be published, I am ready to put the reference materials into editing. I will post the progress when I have a better idea on the timing for the release of the book.

The main page for Art of Chart Reading will undergo complete revamp soon. Check back in a few days for its new look!


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