Success With New Prototype And Future Plans

By Lawrence

Testing on our real-time delivery system was a success. The main purpose for this prototype is the introduction of real-time bias reporting and system signals. Since this obstacle is now taken care of, I will put together a beta release in the coming month.

Our effort to fix the real-time chatroom timestamp issue paid off. We’ve wasted all our time talking to the software provider yet none of the suggested solutions were functional. My guy took the plunge and now we have pretty much mapped out everything about the software. Not only we have fixed their timestamp issues, we now also find an acceptable solution to our real-time delivery mechanism!

Many people has asked me to put my forex trading models at various fx outfits like myfxbook, zulu, etc. I was also contacted by various brokerages to put my index future trading models out there for their clients to subscribe to. I have not made a final decision on either of these yet. Tentatively, I will put one combo forex model out there for anyone who wants to auto trade my trading setups. For index future, it is a bit more complicated due to my contractual obligations with some firms where I licensed my technology to.

Exciting time!


  • Minty415 October 24, 2013 at 12:21 am

    Good to hear it is working. I’m crossing my fingers for index futures since that’s what I trade at the moment.

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