Moving articles from NeoTicker blog

By Lawrence

As suggested by some long time readers since my days posting at NeoTicker Blog, they find it hard to look for the articles I have written on various trading related subjects and that since is dedicated to trading related matters, could I move the non-NeoTicker specific articles here.

So, I have taken some time to browse thru the materials and marked down various articles I would like to appear here.

It turns out to be a great idea for me too as the past couple of years I have various things in life to deal with that many article series I planned to write was left in limbo. This review of the materials I have written gives me the chance to better organize them and interesting topics to write for this site.

I have also asked my web team to revamp the articles section so that it is easiest to access all those articles.

The new look should be ready in a day or two.


  • Han777 February 26, 2015 at 11:46 pm

    Looking forward to your article choices from Neoticker blog. Lawrence while your “revamping” for easiest access, a suggestion. Your site is so elaborate I’d like a way to be informed whenever especially you, and also others, post. There doesn’t seem to be a convenient way to know what’s changed. Could you identify the best options? Thanks!

    • Lawrence March 1, 2015 at 8:11 am

      New articles and posts are always announced through Twitter, Facebook and Google+

      You can also use RSS.

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