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We’ve been working towards the goal of providing traders with useful educational resources and trading tools that do not cost an arm or a leg. The site is growing. Our membership is rising. So do our cost to operate this site. Instead of flooding this site with way too many ads everywhere, we are going to experiment with a slightly different idea of crowd funding this project.

Our goal at this point is to be able to grow this operation at a steady healthy pace. We would like to cover more markets. Better and faster servers are necessary to allow for real-time analysis. All these things we want to get done cost money.

It is lucky Mr. Chan has been taking care of the cost of running this site and has been generous in covering the expenses of everything on this project we envision so far. He has been donating his time and income from his ebooks and writings to support our goals. At this point, we are asking for your help.

There are many ways to help us achieving our goals.

Spread the words – if you like the reading materials here, let your friends know. Like us on facebook or use the social buttons on top of the articles to share them with your friends.

Put us in your online shopping chain – if you like to buy things from sites like Amazon, please use the links below so that a small portion of your purchase will be paid to us as referral fee. These fees do not cost you anything extra and they will add to our bottom line. It is a win-win solution. In the future we hope to expand the list below to make it easier for you to shop from your favorite places.

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Donations are welcome – if you feel good about giving us money / bitcoin as a token of appreciation or an encouragement to keep up with our work, your donation is welcome here. You can put in the amount you like for the work we’ve done. We name the item Information / Services Fee to make it easier for you in case you are claiming it as an expense.

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Information / Services Fee
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Donation Thru Bitcoin

Use the QR code below on your mobile device or click it to start the bitcoin transaction

Purchase our ebooks and/or join us as a premium member – if you find our free research materials of use to you, maybe you can check out our ebook store or sign up for the premium membership.

Check out the products and services offered by our sponsors – We choose to work with limited number of sponsors as oppose to flooding the site with many banners and logos everywhere. When you have the time, or that some of the products / services interest you, click on the ads to see what they have to offer.

Don’t feel pressured – we understand trading is tough business. When you get the chance, by letting us know what you like about our site with a quick email may not sound like much, it really helps boost our spirit working on this project.