"Health" Posts

Murat Dalkilinç: Why Sitting is Bad for You

By Lawrence

We traders need to sit at our trading desk for long hours. That is not good for our health. The least we can do is to take breaks from long sitting sessions and keep our sitting posture in proper form to reduce the negative impacts.

Murat Dalkilinç: The Benefits of Good Posture

By Lawrence

A good video reminding everyone the importance of good posture. The job hazard of trading is that we have to sit down way too much. That in turn makes us more prone to bad postures in many activities. Keeping good postures in our daily activities can be a good starting point for those who have […]

Self Improvement Starts From Studying Yourself Literally

By Lawrence
Boy doing homework.

I have worked with many people in improving their trading performance. I have also worked with people to improve other areas in their lives. Leaving the more technical psychology stuff aside, one thing that stands out in those people who can help themselves into doing better, be that health related or financial well being, is […]

Jonathan Bricker: The Secret to Self Control

By Lawrence

Jonathan Bricker is a researcher on behavioural change. His work shows that discipline alone is not enough to induce changes on negative behaviours or habits. Instead, having a strategy based on acceptance and commitment allows for much better chance of success in permanent behavioural changes. For traders who have impulsive behaviour like over trading and […]

2016 New Year’s Resolution

By Lawrence
Concept of strong competitor

This is the time of the year to set goals for the rest of the year. Upon reflection, last year was a transition year for me in searching for a more balanced life. I looked into many areas of interest to see what fit me best. I do not have all the answers yet and […]

Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Body

By Lawrence

A very interesting video by Tim Ferriss about his book The 4-Hour Body at Google Talk. If the book title has not stirred interest in you, the subtitle may – an uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex and becoming superhuman. If you are interested in what Mr. Ferriss did to improve his physique, you […]

There is No Better Time than Thanksgiving Week to Think About Gratitude

By Lawrence

Thanksgiving has been a confusing holiday for me for many years because there is the Canadian Thanksgiving in October and then there is Thanksgiving in November for the United States. For an Asian who first moved to Canada some 30 years ago as a kid, it was a puzzle. It took me a long time […]

Sandrine Thuret: You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here’s How

By Lawrence

Trading puts a lot of stress on our brains. Stress hurts our brains. This talk sums up the latest understanding in neuroscience on how to keep our brains healthy. In short, to stay smart one needs to exercise, rest well, eat well and active learning. The extra part about sex … well, I will let […]

Back to Rigorous Exercise Regime and Planning for Next Year

By Lawrence

Ever since I started my moving 2 months ago, almost everyday was a busy day, leaving me with no time and no energy for my exercise routine. Schedule messed up all the time thanks to all kinds of problems with deliveries and miscommunications. It is frustrating knowing that I cannot keep up with my plan […]

Global Top in Real Estate Markets

By Lawrence

Many people who invest in real estates including majority of the people in the industry think that they can see the trend. In other words, they think they know where the price for certain region of properties will go in coming 6 to 9 months. In reality, research shows such belief is not true at […]