"Index Book" Posts

Mastery by Robert Greene

By Lawrence

Summary A different kind of self-help book for those who do not want just feel good advice but solid paths that can lead to fulfillment in terms of doing something you are passionate about and being a master of the field you have chosen. I recommend this book to all traders. Book Information Mastery written […]

Seven Trading Systems for the S&P Futures by David Bean

By smilingsynic

Summary The biggest strength of this book is its focus on testing trading systems empirically. The biggest weakness is the lack of readability. Those who use gaps in their trading will find this book useful, and system writers themselves may get some good ideas on their own just by reading this book. For what it […]

Anatomy of $SPY on First Trading Day of the Month by Kora Reddy

By smilingsynic

Summary Empirical traders who like Lawrence Chan’s quantitative analysis of trading systems at his daytradingbias.com will like this book enough to keep it handy. Kora Reddy has done us daytraders a great service by showing what makes trading systems tick. Success comes not in blindly following systems but in understanding how and why those systems […]

How I Trade for a Living by Gary Smith

By smilingsynic

Summary Gary Smith’s How I Trade for a Living is one of the best in Wiley’s “Online Trading for a Living” series. Although some of the material is dated, his autobiography is inspiring, and his approaches to trading uniquely individualistic. Those who enjoy reading about maverick traders and how they make their money trading should […]

Connors on Advanced Trading Strategies by Laurence A. Connors

By smilingsynic

Summary: A decent collection of trading strategies that comes, at least in terms of trading books, at a fairly higher sticker price (close to $200 new). That does not mean that the book is necessarily overpriced. At a cost that runs less than 4 ES points, one could well use some—but not all—of the strategies […]

Live the Dream by Profitably Day Trading Stock Futures by Gary Smith

By smilingsynic

Summary: The book should be seen as a classic whose advice has for the most part not survived the test of time. Smith traded both the floor S&P contract and the now-defunct “Knife” contract that was traded on the NYFE. The round-the-clock markets have forever changed the trading of the S&P, and the days of […]

Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win by Jack Schwager

By Lawrence

Summary: One of the better books on trading in the past 5 years. The Market Wizard series has been a staple of the best selling trading books and this new addition to the series is no exception. I would recommend this book to everyone aspiring to make a living from trading. Book Information Hedge Fund […]

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: With New Commentary and Insights on the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore (Annotated Edition) by Edwin Lefèvre, Jon D. Markman

By Lawrence

Summary The all time classic combined with the excellent annotations done by Mr. Markman has modernized the book for the new generations of traders. This book is a must read. Book Information Reminiscences of a Stock Operator: With New Commentary and Insights on the Life and Times of Jesse Livermore (Annotated Edition) Written by Edwin […]

Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader: My Road, Valleys, and Peaks to Final Trading Victory by Don Miller

By Lawrence

Summary: It is indeed the chronicle of the growth path of a retail trader. From not doing well to picking up the pace and eventually cracked the million dollar milestone, the story for sure will be told in generations to come. It is a great book for aspiring traders to peek into a great mind […]

What’s Behind the Numbers?: A Guide to Exposing Financial Chicanery and Avoiding Huge Losses in Your Portfolio by Tom Jacobs and John Del Vecchio

By Lawrence

Summary: An excellence book written by 2 authors in completely different discipline giving the readers a chance to put some common sense on investing into their heads. Written with normal people in mind, the book is easy to understand with practical advices average investors can utilize immediately. Highly recommended for stock traders and investors. Book […]