"real estate" Posts

Tax and More Taxes on Real Estate

By Lawrence

Vancouver Canada has chosen to tax houses that are deemed vacant. London Britain has chosen to increase tax on foreigners who purchased properties there. Ontario Canada chose to increase minimum down payment percent for more expensive houses. There are more such taxes and constraints introduced around the world. Many people think that these are such […]

Signs of the Real Estate Bubble Bursting

By Lawrence

I wrote about the topping of the real estate markets around the world back in October. I received quite a number of emails from readers confirming their concerns of price drop in the near future. Some even scared of a crash in their local housing markets. It is important we look at it objectively as […]

Global Top in Real Estate Markets

By Lawrence

Many people who invest in real estates including majority of the people in the industry think that they can see the trend. In other words, they think they know where the price for certain region of properties will go in coming 6 to 9 months. In reality, research shows such belief is not true at […]

China capital city housing sales dropped 80% in a week

By Lawrence

After Chinese government introduced special restrictions on who and what can participate in its Beijing housing and commercial property markets for a week, the latest data shows reduction in transactions of 80% or more across all types of properties. Talking about efficiencies in controlling an overheated market.