"Video For Trader" Posts

Robert Palmer: The Panama Papers Exposed a Huge Global Problem

By Lawrence

A good video on why the Panama Papers is so important. Understand that it is a global problem affecting everyone is just the start. For example, tax evasion at the top means structural disadvantage to normal people who earn salary based income for which they are taxed more than their fair share. Until we see […]

Daron Larson: Don’t Try to be Mindful

By Lawrence

An excellent presentation about meditation and mindfulness practices. Many traders who have problems in developing consistency in trading can often trace the source of their difficulties from their messy thought processes. When these traders are being told to practice meditation through breathing exercises and awareness practices, they often give up or slack on the training […]

Murat Dalkilinç: Why Sitting is Bad for You

By Lawrence

We traders need to sit at our trading desk for long hours. That is not good for our health. The least we can do is to take breaks from long sitting sessions and keep our sitting posture in proper form to reduce the negative impacts.

Murat Dalkilinç: The Benefits of Good Posture

By Lawrence

A good video reminding everyone the importance of good posture. The job hazard of trading is that we have to sit down way too much. That in turn makes us more prone to bad postures in many activities. Keeping good postures in our daily activities can be a good starting point for those who have […]

Hans Rosling and Ola Rosling: How Not to be Ignorant About the World

By Lawrence

Great video about the ignorant of the general public. The problem goes much deeper than the Roslings suggested though as people in power to make decisions for the masses are as ignorant if not worse. In my opinion, the most important thing to take away from the video for traders is to understand that the […]

Adam Carroll: When Money Isn’t Real, The $10000 Experiment

By Lawrence

This is a good video that can help explaining why transition from sim trading to trading with real money takes some planning and efforts to smooth out the process. My advice – treat sim trading as seriously as you can similar to what pilots do while in training with their flight simulators. This will make […]

Jonathan Bricker: The Secret to Self Control

By Lawrence

Jonathan Bricker is a researcher on behavioural change. His work shows that discipline alone is not enough to induce changes on negative behaviours or habits. Instead, having a strategy based on acceptance and commitment allows for much better chance of success in permanent behavioural changes. For traders who have impulsive behaviour like over trading and […]

Mental Floss: 26 Fun Facts About Money

By Lawrence

Fun facts about money suggested by a reader.

Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Body

By Lawrence

A very interesting video by Tim Ferriss about his book The 4-Hour Body at Google Talk. If the book title has not stirred interest in you, the subtitle may – an uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex and becoming superhuman. If you are interested in what Mr. Ferriss did to improve his physique, you […]

Debra Searle: Choose Your Attitude

By Lawrence

Ms. Searle’s moving video tells us her story of courage and ability to cope with adverse scenarios. What she suggests in the video in dealing with life difficulties is equally applicable to trading. Many traders are aware of the importance of their psychological well being but few are aware of their attitudes can negatively impact […]