Top 5 Reasons Why The Biggest Canadian ISPs Never Improve Their Services

By Lawrence

Out of frustration I started to dig up information about the internet outages originated at the major Internet Service Providers. It turns out being one of the biggest ISPs in Canada is a near perfect business just like the TBTF banks. Here are the top 5 reasons why being the biggest ISPs in Canada is a free pass to print money.

Number 5 – No Evidence

When your service is down, your customers cannot make a complain online. They are totally cut off from the net. No one would see the real records of your bad services. Some of these ISPs even shamelessly claim that they have 99% up time which every Canadian knows is not true.

Number 4 – No Monitor

Media are either too lazy to report how bad your services are, or, they just do not care as long as their own interest is taken care of.

Case in point – when two major outages back in 2013 affected the media companies, they blasted the ISP pretty much 7/24. When the other major outages happened, as long as that did not affect these media companies, nothing was reported.

Number 3 – Fear Mongering

When someone called customer service complaining that their Internet service is not working, simply use scare tactics to make sure they would wait and stop complaining.

Case in point – a well known strategy among the ISPs is telling the customers that a technician will be schedule to check out the problem and if the problem is not originated from the company, the customer will be charged for the service call. Majority of people will choose to shut up and wait.

Number 2 – Spin To Win

The very persistent and knowledgeable customers can forced into an infinite loop of hardware replacement even though these ISPs are known to purchase inferior hardware to offer to their customers all along. A simple procedure to buy time and costs nothing until service is repaired.

Number 1 – No Choice

When the customers get so frustrated and switch to the other biggest ISP, it won’t take long for them to switch back!

The beauty of oligopoly.


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