A Short History of Our Premium Service

Originally there was no plan for premium area. It was meant as a meeting place among a group of traders who already know each other for some time to exchange trading ideas. It was also a venue for me to publish my research work since it would be easier to maintain just one website by myself.

As more people join us, demand for useful services built up. Maintaining the site in its basic form is one thing, to continuously update and adding more services that require manpower behind is a completely different story. I do not have the time (and expertise) necessary to manage a complex website myself as I have other priorities. I hired people to help me with the website hence the need of premium membership.

Currently my vision is to keep the premium membership to a small manageable size. As long as the website can support itself, there is really no point for me to take on too many premium members. Once the goal of self sustainability is achieved, I will impose a limit on future premium membership acceptance.