Postponing Real-Time Price Levels Backend Update Due To Internet Access Issues

By Lawrence

The instability of our internet access makes it difficult to conduct testing on the new backend. I’ve decided to postpone the update until our internet access is stable again.

Currently Rogers, the company that is ranked as one of the most expensive and one of the most unreliable in the world, continue to decline to even acknowledge that their internet service has been having problems spanning multiple days. As usual, it is always a struggle asking for help from them because their support staff has no idea what went wrong with their backend either. Hence clients are always spin into all sorts of unnecessary voodoo routines to see if the problems are originated at the client locations.

Maybe they are going to fix the problem for real but we cannot be sure.

Unlucky for us Canadians, the major ISPs are all pretty bad here and the other two obvious choices are as bad as Rogers.

I am looking into possible alternatives but a solution is not likely to be found easily.


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