"Trading Psychology" Posts

What’s Next for the Site,Money Management Requests and How am I Doing

By Lawrence

To answer a number of questions all along similar line of thoughts, here are my answers. My current spam to actual email ratio is about 15 to 1. My spam filter could only catch 50% of the spam mail. The actual number of emails that I need to response to personally is now about 50 […]

Allergy Hell, Lapse of Judgement and Value of Time

By Lawrence

I have not had a food allergy episode for many years. These things are bounded to happen though and I have lived through one this week. It is a good reminder than I need to be much more careful when I dine out. More importantly, I have relearned my lessons about lapse of judgement and […]

Daron Larson: Don’t Try to be Mindful

By Lawrence

An excellent presentation about meditation and mindfulness practices. Many traders who have problems in developing consistency in trading can often trace the source of their difficulties from their messy thought processes. When these traders are being told to practice meditation through breathing exercises and awareness practices, they often give up or slack on the training […]

Jon Kabat-Zinn: How to Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

By Lawrence

A good summary on the reasons for which we should learn mindfulness practice. Being able to put yourself just a tiny step away from your emotions, you can do much better mentally. For traders, it is one of the best tools to improve our trading performance. As you transform into a more mindful person, you […]