Trading Indicators

Majority of technical indicators are derivatives of price, volume, and open interest. Some exotic ones utilize breadth data, tick data, bid/ask information, and price ladder data to compute their values. The goal is simple – to assist the traders in figuring out where the market is heading.

All indicators have their strengths and weaknesses. No indicator is perfect. It does not matter how complex an indicator is computed. If it has no predictive value, it is not going to be useful in your trading. Hence, the important thing is that you understand what your indicator can and cannot do so that you can use it properly.

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Trading with Tick Index: Tick1K and its Divergence Signals

Someone asked what I mean by “custom tick divergence” in my real-time commentaries. Here are 5 charts (one day each) for the past week with Emini S&P, $Tick index and my DNO_Tick1K index. (You can expand them to full size for better viewing.) ...


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